
Saturday, November 12, 2022

GVDG November Meeting Minutes

 November 9th club meeting @ Michaelangelos Pizza on Memorial. 

Attendance: Max Crotts, Whitney Graham, Daniel Brubaker, Mike Fazzini, Mike Karlovec, Adam Walter, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico

1-Finances: $16.915 in the bank. Owe $6939 to Action Advertising. $3k in general fund, $5k in scholarship, $2k in GVDG Kids. 

2-Course Work: 

Ayden-need to schedule work day to move 2 tee pads and 1 pin for new permanent layout. Michael Blackmon almost done designing new tee signs. Fundraiser in works for new tee signs, see meadow teesign below for details. 

Farmville: If we can get a group together for a workday on tee pads Parks will order wood for them. 

Meadow: Permanent riser on hole 3, green improvements on hole 10 B pin, replace the Purple tees with 12x6 pads to match Gold. We are ordering ground whiskers to mark 10M circle. Max is contacting parks for assistance with teepads and other improvements. Need to find a solution to parking during tournaments. Need to install the new Red course. 

3-GVDG Club Championship: Saturday December 10th. Registration is open now @

4-Officer Elections: All officer positions up for nomination starting now. 1 treasurer position and 4 officers. Voting will take place Dec 1st through Club Championship Dec 10th. All current club members are eligible to vote. 

5-2023 Membership: We will order 2023 GVDG member patches. Membership dues will be $15, $10 with valid Student ID. All memberships just $10 through January 1st Hangover Classic PDGA tournaments. 

6-DEPC: We have been approved as an A-tier event again. October 20-22. The Professional side will definitely be a 3 day event, looking for feedback on 2 or 3 days for amateur side. Potential to expand to 4 courses. We are working now on sponsorship package with plans to start sponsorship search earlier, if you know any businesses that would be interested in being a tournament partner please reach out to Max or Vince. 

7-Meadow Tee Signs: The tee signs at the Meadow have been updated with the current layouts including the soon to be built Red course. The old tee signs will be posted for sell. The money from the sell of these signs will be used to replace the signs at Ayden. Each sign is $20, we will reach out to hole sponsors first then they will be first come first serve when posted online. 

8-3rd Annual Hangover Classic: Jarrett Wallace is running his annual new years event. This year there will be 2 1-round PDGA C-tier tournaments. Gold pads tee at 9AM. White pads to Alt baskets will tee at 1:30PM. Registration will be on 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

June Meeting Minutes

 June 8 @ Seared Chophouse. 

Attendance: Max Crotts, Michael Blackmon, PJ Evans, Mike Karlovec, Jarrett Wallace, Mike Fazzini

1-Finances: $18,130 in the bank with a few oustanding bills. 

2-Doubles: The first session ends June 20, there will be a 2 week break then back for a 2nd 8 week session. Michael Blackmon suggested offering a season pass at a discounted rate. We will try offering a $70 season pass ($10 saved), must purchase at or before the first week, July 11. No refunds if you miss a week. 

3-Club matchplay: Mike Fazzini told us his experience with Florida club match play. He and Blackmon our going to work on a proposal for next meeting. 

4-Friday Flex: Max is bringing the Friday Flex back starting June 17. PDGA 6-week league. 3 weeks Meadow, 2 weeks Covey, 1 week Farmville. After the 6 weeks we'll take a 1 week break for Blackmon's event then come back with another session. 

5-Ayden Grifton High School DGC Fundraiser: Michael Blackmon is going to run a flex start 1-round C-tier on Friday July 29 at Ayden. This is a fundraiser event for baskets for the school and their new disc golf club. 

6-PDGA World's viewing party. Blackmon suggested the club hosting a final round viewing party for this years world championships. We need to identify a location. 

7-Contentnea Creek Classic: July 31 @ Farmville. 1 day 2 round C-tier. Fly Guy is setup to do Am payout. Entry fees; Pro-$50. Am $20, no player pack $5 to fees and $15 to payout. Players will have optional joice of selecting a players pack during registration for an additional $15. 

8-Storage unit: Checking on pricing for a very small storage unit for club tools and equipment as the club continues to grow. Preferably a location near Meadow or easily accesible. 

Next club meeting is Wednesday July 13 7PM, location TBA. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

GVDG May Meeting Minutes

 GVDG Club Meeting 5/11/22

Jarvis Street Bottle Shop
Attendees: Vince Tricarico, Jarrett WallaceAdam WalterDaniel BrubakerMike Karlovec
  1. Finances - $18,260ish total. Outstanding Invoices - Discmania, Action Advertising, Innova. Selling leftover beginner sets from Oakwood event to PIAS.
  2. Doubles - Going well. New CTP sponsor Seared Chophouse, waiting on Innova inventory and 2022 GVDG Club shirts, need minis. Talks about spring and fall glow season - like a pre and post season to normal doubles.
  3. Upcoming Tournaments - ECO 5/21-22 - Purple Layout both days. We intend to have our tee signs w/par and distance on correct pads. Correct layout is on UDISC, Vince will contact J about elevators and layout. Volunteers needed to paint and flag the meadow on Friday 5/20. Shelter has been reserved for the weekend. - Mystery Tour 5/28 - look for event page this week on FB. - Max's proposed B Tier with cheap entry. Still looking at dates and format. Suggested name "Cheap & Easy Open." Once Ayden is updated, host C tier - Micheal Blackmon wants to TD (maybe a flex, maybe reg C tier, maybe start inaugural event?)
  4. Oakwood Tournament - 32 played, 34 paid. Very positive feedback on layout. Pushing public donations to finish course, hoping for tee pads, signs and infoboard as well. Club voted, all in favor of sponsoring a hole. $500 = lifetime sponsorship all in attendance were in favor. Still compiling total numbers from the weekend.
  5. GVDG Kids - Summer Camp in Farmville. Sign ups now open on FP&R website. Need volunteers for instructors. Get in touch with Vince.
  6. Ayden Disc Golf Course - work may begin tomorrow (weather) to change 3 holes to finalize layout. We may organize an official work day to complete it all in one day. Two basket position changes. Micheal Blackmon will finalize tee signs, we will figure out signs, installation and info board in the future.
  7. Meadow work - looking for volunteers for hole 3 permanent elevator. Need a design for hole 10s green change, discussed red pads being put in at meadow to create a very beginner friendly layout - more discussion needed.
  8. DEPC - J is finalizing logo to include Gatekeeper Media logo, we need to get volunteers for the event, All player pack ideas needed next meeting in June, Vince is going to contact RecTeq and go in person to Camping World for sponsorship. Vince will also talk to ECU about course changes and progress.
If you have any questions, want to volunteer or have suggestions please comment below or contact an officer. Next meeting will be June 8th at 7pm, Seared Chophouse, please bring your appetite and lets have a good showing!

Monday, April 18, 2022

April Meeting Minutes

 April 12 @ Winterville Tiebreakers

Attendance: Max Crotts, Mike Karlovec, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico, PJ Evans, Adam Walter, Michael Blackmon

1: Finances - Club currently has $17,400 in the bank. $600 owed to food bank, a few outstanding invoices to Action Advertising. 

2: Doubles - 25 at first preseason event. Jarrett and Vince are working on possible artwork for winner disc. 

3:Match Play - Max is working with Rob @ Action Advertising to get shirts ASAP this year. 

4: Deliver the Chains - 3 PDGA C-tier tournaments May 7-8. Fundraiser for new course at Oakwood School. Registration is now live at We need 12 additional portable baskets for the tournmaent weekend. 

5: Possible new tourney - Max is looking into potential new B-tier PDGA tournament for this summer. More details to follow. 

6: Spring Fling - Blackmon and Max got OB painted Friday for the event. Blackmon made event trophies. 

7: DEPC - Still working to identify potential sponsors. With registration opening in June we need to have planned layouts and schedule before reg opens. 

8: Course work: Meadow kiosk - Whitney looking into painting and planting around kiosk. Max is working with Rob Gerard on updated course map for kiosk, will be done once Purple layout is finalized. Second meadow kiosk in ball field parking lot with course map planned. Max is building a work tracker spreadsheet to keep track of status of current and planned projects. 

9: Meadow pin position names - We had a lot of confusion with the color of the new baskets. Club officers had never intended for baskets to be referred to by a color however many people saw them as white (short) and blue (long) pins. We are getting ready to update teesigns and look to have a clearer naming scheme for the course. With that we all agreed the pins should be named Pin A, Pin B, and so on moving forward. Max will change this on Udisc now and the new signs will reflect the change. 

10: GVDG Membership tier - It was suggested we add a low cost membership option for students, college and grade school eligible. $15 Student membership options was unanimiously voted in. They receive $1 off all club events and discount at the club store. To join GVDG contact a club officer or join at any club event. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

March Meeting Minutes

 March Meeting Minutes. Angus Grill West

Attendance: Max, Daniel Brubaker, Adam Walter, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico, Kory Hussey, Michael Blackmon

1-Finances: $14k in bank. $600 owed to Food Bank. A few outstanding invoices to Action Advertising. 

2-Meadow Baskets: New DD Veterans have arrived, scheduled install after Sunday Taggers, 3/13. Max is posting call for help. 

3-DEPC Match Play: Reg opens this week and runs through end of March. $50 entry. Size and number of teams will depend on number of players to sign up. Regular season will be longer than last year. Working with Vince and Action Advertising to have team shirts ASAP this year. 

4-DEPC: We are working with Gville sports commission and other groups on sponsorship options. Vince is working with ECU on possible updates to NRC course. Tiered registration will open in June.

5-Scholarship: Still working with golf course on a reschedule date. 

6-GVDG Kids: Farmville Summer Camp June 27-30. 

7-Doubles: Jarrett is finalizing a flier. Pre season in April 1. There will be 2 8-week series with overall winners of each. Looking into pricing on possible trophy discs.

8-Feedback: Daniel had the feedback from his end of year survey. 29 people responded, I'll try to get the results in the comments. 

9-Mando Madness: Players packs have been ordered, Max will post the layout this week. 

10-Spring Fling: Registration open now at One round new Purple layout and one round Gold. Still finalizing Am players packs. 

11-GVDG is looking for help with social media, if you know anyone interested please contact a club officer. 

12-Sponsorship: $100 for Kinston Open - all approved. $50 for Lancer - all approved. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Feb '22 meeting minutes

 February meeting minutes. Location: Jarvis Street Bottle Shop.

Attendance: Max Crotts, Daniel Brubaker, Mike Karlovec, Whitney Graham, Vince Tricarico, Jarrett Wallace, PJ Evans

1) Finances - $22,825 in the bank. $8557 in basket fund, $4681 in general fund, $5347 in scholarship, $2165 in GVDG Kids, $1833 in DEPC. 

2) New Meadow Baskets. We had a unanimous vote to go with DD Veteran baskets. The regular pins will be blue, alt pins will be white, practice baskets will be mixed colors. 

3) Event Calendar: Jarrett is finalizing the doubles calendar, official doubles will start first week of May and run for 2 8-week sessions with a 2 week break around 4th of July. DEPC Match Play registration will start in March, the live draft and start of play will be early April. Mando Madness is March 19, registration will open mid February. 

4) DEPC - Vince and Max are working on sponsorship letters. If you know any potential sponsors please contact one of them. We are talking with Gatekeeper Media again for coverage. Registration should open in June again this year, we will do tiered registration again with ladies divisions opening up first, then 1000 rated pros, 975 rated pros, then general registration. Each reg tier will be a week. We have not set courses and layouts yet, the courses and schedule will be heavily dependent on sponsorship. 

5) 2022 GVDG membership - Max is going to see if we can use DGS as an option for club membership signup. 

2022 GVDG Membership Tiers 

Basic Membership - $25 - $1 off all GVDG non sanctioned events (putting league, doubles, etc - does not include club championship). Each member receives a $10 GVDG club store credit that can be combined to be used later on. We will have special 2022 GVDG shirts available in early 2022. 

Bronze Membership - $60 ($55 for new members) - Basic Membership PLUS 2021 Discmania 60” DEPC umbrella plus $15 GVDG Store Credit

Silver Membership - $100 ($90 for returning members) - Basic membership PLUS umbrella PLUS 2 2022 DEPC Fundraiser items (value $50-$60)

Gold Membership - $265 - Basic Membership PLUS umbrella PLUS 1 hole sponsorship at the 2022 Down East Players Cup.