Location: Jarvis Street Bottle Shop
Attendance: Max Crotts, Daniel Brubaker, Charles Thompson, Mike Karlovec, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico
Finances: Total in Bank=$10,997. All DEPC related bills have been paid. Only outstanding bills are new club shirts. Full Breakdown - General Fund $3982; GVDG Scholarship $3000; GVDG Kids $2165; Basket Fund $1770; 2022 DEPC -$100 (sanctioning fee)
Baskets: We got quotes from Innova, DD, DiscGolfPark, Prodigy, and DGA. Discraft could not provide a quote as they will not have basket until an unknown time next year. At the meeting we decided to focus on Innova, DGP, and DGA quotes and make a final decision at the December meeting once we have a better picture of funds from the basket auction.
Basket Auction: We all agreed to ask people from reframing from emotional pleas in future basket auctions. Bids only.
DEPC 2021 Wrap up: All bill are paid. Play Greenville calculated the economic impact of this years DEPC to be $584,000 for Pitt County.
2022 Schedule:
Jan 1 - New Year Flex Start C-Tier - Jarrett Wallace
Jan 2 - GVDG Championship - Vince Tricarico
Jan 22/23 - GVDG Scholarship C-Tier - Vince & Daniel Brubaker
Late February - GVDG IceBowl - Max Crotts
March-May - Mystery Tour and Membership Appreciation - Max Crotts
March-May - Mando Madness @ the Meadow C-tier - Max Crotts
June-July - Contentnea Creek Classic C-tier - Max Crotts
Oct 21-23 - Down East Players Cup
Other 2022 Events - Sunday Baggers, Summer Doubles, Putting League, Friday Flex
Putting League: Nov15-Jan 3. Primary location is a warehouse on Dickenson Ave near Uptown. On Dec 6 and Jan 3 putting league will be at Backwoods Tavern. Flier with full details coming soon.
Club Elections: Officer elections will be held from Jan 2 through the club meeting January 12. 4 board member spots and 1 treasurer position are open. Nominations for officers starts now and runs through January 1. Current board members: Max Crotts, Vince Tricarico, Daniel Brubaker, Jarrett Wallace. Current Treasurer: Adam Walter.
Workday Coordinator: It was suggested that we add a position of workday coordinator to be the lead for course work projects. General consensus at the meeting was an official title isn't necessary, we know who the skilled club members are and we should encourage contacting them for guidance and support when planning and scheduling workdays.
GVDG Kids: Oakwood is planning another clinic and looking at running a fundraiser event to raise money for additional baskets for their campus course. Thank you Pat Mallette for donating your DEPC winnings to get new discs for GVDG Kids. Eastern Elementary recently got some disc golf equipment and GVDG Kids may be able to assist them with teaching a class. Beth Payne has an idea of combining a kids class/clinic with the Friday Flex or similar event next summer.
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