
Monday, July 16, 2012

July Minutes

For the July meeting we went to The Quarry downtown. In attendance were Mus, Guy, Mills, Max, Erin, Kurt and myself. Our finances are looking good as we draw down on the players cup we have about 2,600 in the bank minus a check out for the new shirts. That's right new shirts more of the tee shirt and now a long sleeve version available for sale in the club store. The big vote for this month was the switch to the voucher system. It will work like this instead of credits you will receive a voucher for 1 credit( valued @ $8) from doubles or a voucher for a dollar amount from the monthlies. You are only eligible to receive one of these if you are a club member (just like the old roll overs). These will hold no cash value they are for merch at the club store only (cant pay your DEPC entry with a stack of vouchers). These will likely debut in mid September once we tweak the design a little so they cant be faked. DISCLAIMER: You are responsible for the vouchers the club will not keep up with them if you loose them it's your fault. There was as there has been every year a vote to cap the ace pool which was quickly shot down and another vote to limit play on 8 and 10 white after the ace pool reaches over 200 that was also voted down.We picked two work days one on 8/4 at 10am and one on 8/12 at 1pm after baggers you have plenty of notice take one of these days off and come out to help. there will also be a planning and brush clearing on #17 for the new pin placement on 7/22 @ 1pm. Last on the agenda is Glow Dubs for the fall Max is going to run it starting after DEPC listen up for more details soon.


  1. Looking good, Dan. Glad you guys shot down the ace-pool revisions. And I really like the idea of the new voucher system. I might do something like that here. You might look into ordering a watermark paper or one of those insignia presses to "press" the GVDG logo into the paper. Keep me posted on what you come up with. --Kingery

    1. Not to give too much away but I spent some time making those things pretty forgery proof. Special paper is only one thing. I'll send you a pic later.
