
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

GVDG Minutes, December, 2011

We had eight dedicated disc golfers attend the monthly meeting tonight at Pete's Wicked Grill on Red Banks, near Moe's and the bowling alley. Attendees were Adam, Max, Sean, Todd, myself, Erin and Kurt, and Richard, who is an old-school GVDG'r making a comeback.

Next month's meeting will be January 11 at Hooters!

In terms of finances, Todd let us know we currently have $3785 in our account, though we still have some bills to work out with Innova in regard to disc inventory. Todd is checking with Southern Bank to see if we have a minimum balance requirement for our account, and their answer will allow us to make an informed decision about what to purchase for Ice Bowl players packs.

Speaking of this year's Ice Bowl, we've set a date: Sunday, January 22, 2012. We're hoping to hold the first-ever Ice Bowl at ECU's North Rec. Complex (NRC) course to garner support for ECU's new disc golf club and competitive team, the ECU Wind Dogs. We will also be having a Chili Cook-off with cool prizes, including the coveted "Best Chili" trophy, going to the best Chili cook! Everyone is encouraged to participate. Kinston will be having their Ice Bowl on February 18, so we hope a lot of GVDG'rs can make it out there and support their event, too.

The 2012 Down East Players Cup will be part of the North Carolina Disc Golf Points Series. Cash prizes are up for grabs, so give Robert Leonard's summary a read.

Sean Gough is going to run a year-long points series for GVDG monthlies in 2012. Every other month will be a "fun" monthly (backwards golf, safari golf, mando madness, etc.), and the months in between will be straight-up disc golf, maybe with a round or two of doubles mixed in to make things interesting. Sean is developing his ideas for the series and the 2012 monthly schedule, so more to come on this in January. The Ice Bowl on January 22 will be the first event of the series.

Green Springs Park (GSP) still needs some work, but this is the year we will complete the project! The more people who come out and chip in, the sooner we'll have another 18 holes in Greenville. As always, bring gloves, machetes, saws, clippers, and other tools if you have them.

GSP Work Day: Saturday, Dec. 17 @ Noon
GSP Work Day: Sunday, Jan. 8 @ 2:00 (after Sunday Baggers)

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